16 January

Fara Filiorum Petri (CH): Traditional feast of Sant'Antonio with burning of "farchie" (enormous, specially made bundles of hay and canes) in the square, in memory of a miracle throgh which french troops were rejected.

17 January

Gessopalena (CH): Feast of Sant'Antonio, with comic interludes about the Saint's temptations in the desert.

20 January

Ortona (CH): Feast of San Sebastiano.


03 February

Lanciano (CH): Feast of San Biagio

05 February

Civitaluparella (CH): Feast of patron Saint Agata.

17 February

Lanciano (Ch): Carnival party, with games for children, puppets and acrobats. (near Torre San Giovanni - Via Frentani)

18 February

Lanciano (Ch): Mercoledì delle Ceneri.



12 March

Casalanguida (CH): Feast of San Nicola.

19 March

Fara San Martino (CH): "I Fuochi di San Giuseppe", Traditional spring bonfires become firework competitions, lighting up the night sky over the mountain gorge where the village lies, near the spring of the Verde river, the same river that provides the water to make the celebrated pasta exported all over the world.

19 March

Monteferrante (CH): "Le Tavole di San Giuseppe", with representation of scenes from the Saint's Lif - Local families set out a feast table, upon which sits the image of St Joseph. The food - without meat being the period of Lent - is set out for relatives and guests who visit on this day.

21 March

Farindola (PE): Festa della Primavera (Spring festival).


No date fixed

Lanciano (CH): "Fiera Nazionale dell'Agricoltura".

No date fixed

Villalfonsina (CH): Feast of Sant'Irene.

01 April

Gessopalena (CH): Holy Wednesday, Miracle play in costume about Christ's Passion and Death throgh the streets of the ancient village Palm Sunday.

02 April

Paglieta (CH): Holy Thursday - Canto della Passione.

02 April

Vasto (CH): Holy Thursday - Canto della Passione.

03 April

Carunchio (CH): Nocturnal procession, very suggestive.

03 April

Lanciano (CH): Nocturnal procession on Christ's Death, very suggestive.

05 April

Lanciano (CH): Representation of Christ's meeting with His Mother and with John the Gospel Writer.

07 April

Lanciano (CH): Representation of Christ's meeting with His Mother and with John the Gospel Writer (repeated from Easter Sunday).

07 April

Orsogna (CH): Feast of Madonna and "Talami", represantations of biblical scenes, with final procession to the Madonna del Rifugio.

11 April

Paglieta (CH): Feast of San Vincenzo.

23 April

Treglio (CH): Feast of San Giorgio.

24 April

San Salvo (CH): On this Saturday, the last before San Vitale's feast on April 28, decorated tractors carry the "some", with the wheat that will be groung and used to prepare the "sagnitelle" and "taralli" on 28 April.

25 April

Lama dei Peligni (CH): "Sagra delle Sagne" (grossly cut home made pasta) e Fagioli (beans).

25 April

Scerni (CH): "Tavola di San Panfilo", an enormous banquet with hundrers of people.


No date fixed

Atessa (CH): La "ntorcia" of San Martino.

No date fixed

Tollo (CH): Maggiolata Tollese, with folk choirs.

01 May

Canosa Sannita (CH): Feast of saints Filippo and Giacomo, with the two statues of the saints carried in procession.

01 May

Carunchio (CH): Procession from the Sanctuary Santa Maria della Valle to the village.

01 May

Chieti (CH): "Le virtù", ancient traditional dish prepared with pasta, vegetable and beans, with propitiatory aims.

01 May

Ortona (CH): "Festa del Perdono" (pardon day) in honour of St Thomas the Apostle, continued throughout May 3.

01 May

Cocullo (AQ): Feast of S. Domenico Abate, with the celebrated "processione dei serpari", one of the most remarkable folk feasts in Italy: the statue of the saint is carried in a procession covered with live snakes; the peculiar tradition was influenced by the old pagan snake rites of the area.

01 May

Roccamontepiano (CH): Feast of San Giuseppe.

02 May

Bucchianico (CH): Procession to Church of San Camillo.

02 May

Pretoro (CH): Celebration of the Miracle of San Domenico and the Wolf, with theatrical performance in costume and snake rites.

02 May

Rapino (CH): Feast of san Domenico, with representation of episodes from the Saint's life.

02 May

Torrevecchia Teatina (CH): Feast of Madonna della Libera.

03 May

Torino di Sangro (CH): Feast of San Croce.

03 May

Tornareccio (CH): Feast of San Nicola.

04 May

Tornareccio (CH): Feast of Sant'Emidio.

08 May

Rapino (CH): Procession of the "Verginelle" (6 to 10 year old girls dressed in white), in commemoration of an ancient thirst which was terminated through the miraculous intervention of the Madonna di Carpineto.

08 May

San Vito Chietino (CH): Feast of Madonna del Porto, with traditional boat procession.

09 May

Crecchio (CH): "Sagra delle fave" (Festival of broad beans).

09 May

Vacri (CH): Pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Santa Maria dele Grazie, at Francavilla.

15 May

Altino (CH): Feast of Madonna delle Grazie.

20 May

Gissi (CH): Feast of San Bernardino da Siena.

20 May

Bucchianico (CH): Feast of the banderesi, historical re-enactment of the victory of Bucchianico over Chieti in the XIII century.

26 May

Sant'Eusanio del Sangro (CH): Feast of Patron San Filippo.

27 May

Torino di Sangro (CH): Feast of Madonna di Loreto, also following days.

28 May

Arielli (CH): Feast of San Mauro.

28 May

San Salvo (CH): Feast of Madonna delle Grazie.

29 May

Perano (CH): Feast of patrons San Filippo neri and San Nicola, continues the following days.

30 May

Paglieta (CH): Feast of San Canzio, Canziano and Canzianella, continued to the following day.


No date fixed

Fara San Martino (CH): Ecological march to the spring of the Verde river.

03 June

San Salvo (CH): Feast of San Nicola.

09 June

Casalbordino (CH): Feast of Madonna dei Miracoli, with religious music and procession of "penitenti" (repenting sinners), continues up to June 11th.

12 June

San Buono (CH): Feast of Sant'Antonio from Padova, continues to June 13.

13 June

Lanciano (CH): Feast of Sant'Antonio from Padova.

15 June

Castel Guidone (CH): Feast of patron saint San Guido.

15 June

San Salvo (CH): Feast of San Vito and Sant'Antonio.

15 June

Tufillo (CH): Feast of San Vito.

20 June

Dogliola (CH): Feast of patron saints Rocco and Luigi.


No date fixed

Altino (CH): Historical reenactment of wheat harvest (trebbiatura) with parade of traditional tools and carts.

No date fixed

Atessa (CH): International Festival of folklore (end of the month).

No date fixed

Bomba (CH): "Sagra del pesce" (Fish festival).

No date fixed

Casacanditella (CH): "Festa del pescatore" (Fisherman's festival) with wine and trout festivals, dances, music.

No date fixed

Casalincontrada (CH): "Sagra della Marrocca" (festival of roasted ear of corn), a true Abruzzese speciality.

No date fixed

Francavilla (CH): Beer Festival.

No date fixed

Guardiagrele (CH): Feast of the Majella.

No date fixed

Miglianico (CH): "Miglianico Tour" footrace.

No date fixed

Mozzagrogna (CH): "Sagra della Pasta al Tartufo" (truffle pasta).

No date fixed

Ortona (CH): "Sagra del Prosciutto e Melone" (ham and melon festival).

No date fixed

Ripa Teatina (CH): "Sagra delle Sagne".

No date fixed

Sant'Eusanio del Sangro (CH): Feast of Sant'Eusanio.

No date fixed

San Vito Chietino (CH): "Sagra dello Zuccotto".

01 July

Taranta Peligna (CH): Feast of Madonna della Valle, continuing to July 3, with a typical nocturnal procession to the sanctuary.

01 July

Villa Santa Maria (CH): Feast of Madonna delle Grazie, continues the following day.

11-12 July

Rivisondoli (Aq): Gnomi Festival.

18 July

Roccaraso (Aq): Gnomi Festival.


13 July

Villamagna (CH): "I Saraceni", the siege by the saracens is commemorated, with the miraculous intervention of Santa Margherita.

14 July

Bucchianico (CH): Feast San Camillo de Lellis.

15 July

Tornareccio (CH): Feast of Madonna del Carmine, continuing the following day.

21 July

Civitella Messer Raimondo (CH): Throughout the last week of July, Tournament of "Ruzzola", an ancient game dating back to Roman times.

24 July

Dogliola (CH): "Festa del Ringraziamento per il Raccolto" (a kind of Thanksgiving) with procession of decorated carts and auction sale of gifts.

25 July

Filetto (CH): Feast of San Giacomo.

26 July

Chieti (CH): Feast of Sant'Anna.

27 July

Frisa (CH): Feast of Santa Lucia and San Pantaleone.

27 July

Miglianico (CH): Feast of San Pantaleone, which inspired both F.P.Michetti's paintings entitled "Il Voto" (The Vow) and one of D'Annunzio's short stories.

28 July

Torricella Peligna (CH): Blues Festival.


No date fixed

Bucchianico (CH): Festival of figs and "pernill" (roasted ham).

No date fixed

Castel Frentano (CH): Art exhibitions, sports events, wine and local food festivals throughout the month.

No date fixed

Casalbordino (CH): "Sagra delle Vongole "(Clam festival) with a parade of boats on the Lido.

No date fixed

Fresagrandinaria (CH): "Sagra della Porchetta" (Roasted young pork) and Festa dell'Emigrante.

No date fixed

Gamberale (CH): Feast of San Lorenzo.

No date fixed

Guardiagrele (CH): Market Fair of Abruzzese craftswork.

No date fixed

Miglianico (CH): Wine festival.

No date fixed

Ortona (CH): "Sagra della Triglia" (mediterranean blue fish).

No date fixed

Pollutri (CH): "Sagra dell'Uva e del Vino" (festival of wine and grapes).

No date fixed

Quadri (CH): "Settimana Quadrese": festivals, music, stands.

No date fixed

Rocca San Giovanni (CH): Festivals of the Emigrant, of Nature, and Accordion.

No date fixed

Rosello (CH): Gastronomic festival "Arritruvemmece a la piazza" (let's go for a reunion at the square).

No date fixed

Sant'Eusanio del Sangro (CH): "Sagra della Papera" (Duck festival).

No date fixed

Schiavi d'Abruzzo (CH): "Sagra del Tartufo" (truffle festival).

No date fixed

Torricella Peligna (CH): International lyrical contest "Vincenzo Bellini", Sagra degli Arrosticini e della Pasta, Agritour festival, feasts od San Marziale, San Domenico and San Rocco.

No date fixed

Vasto (CH): "Toson d'Oro", historical reenactment in medieval costumes.

No date fixed

Villamagna (CH): Representation of the miracle of Santa Margherita, who helped the Villamagnese to reject a Turkish invasion.

01 August

Fallo (CH): Feast of San Giovanni Ferreri.

01 August

Montazzoli (CH): "Sagra della Pasta e Fagioli" (a soup made with hand-made pasta and beans).

01 August

Orsogna (CH): Feast of Madonna degli Angeli, continued the following day.

01 August

Tollo (CH): Feast of Madonna del Rosario, with a reenactment of the 1566 battle between Tollo and the Saracens, when the Tollese were saved by the Virgin Mother after throwing watermelons and macaroni against the invaders.

03 August

Montenerodomo (CH): Feast of Saints Antonio and Fedele, with Lamb, Sausages and Prosciutto Festivals, lasting throughout the first week of August.

05 August

Castel Frentano (CH): Feast of "donativi".

06 August

Fossacesia (CH): Feast S. Donato.

07 August

Celenza sul Trigno (CH): Feast of San Donato with parade of women carrying gifts to the sanctuary, religious songs and procession of faithfuls.

08 August

Arielli (CH): Feast of Madonna delle Grazie.

09 August

Gessopalena (CH): Wheat harvest festival with costume parade.

09 August

Villa Santa Maria (CH): Feast of Madonna del Basilico, continued through August 11.

10 August

Gamberale (CH): Feast of San Lorenzo with Sagra della Pecora (Mutton Festival).

12 August

Palmoli (CH): "Sagra della ventricina e dello spezzatino palmolese" (a DOC local dish).

15 August

Castel Frentano (CH): The Madonna dell'Assunta.

15 August

Atessa (CH): "Ferragosto Atessano", continuing through the 18th.

15 August

Casacanditella (CH): "Feast of Madonna dell'Assunta": in a procession the statue of San Gregorio Papa is carried towards the statue of the Virgin and there is a group of "virginelle" all dressed in white and covered in flowers.

15 August

Ortona (CH): "Maggiolata", parade of traditional carts and folk songs.

15 August

Popoli (CH): Trout festival and Cronoscalata "Svolte di Popoli" (car race opened to all categories from the plains of Popoli to the top of a 10 km winding road leading up to the mountain, which every year is a popular destination for all professionals and amateurs).

16 August

Mozzagrogna (CH): Feast of San Rocco.

16 August

Cupello (CH): The Emigrant's festival, with the typical "ndrocchie" (a special type of hand-made pasta).

16 August

Frisa (CH): "Sagra del Prosciutto, melone and bruschetta" (ham, melon and roasted seasoned slice of bread) continued throughout the month.

16 August

Paglieta (CH): "Sagra del Dolce" (festival of cakes etc).

16 August

Pennadomo (CH): Feast of patron saints Brigida, Rocco and Antonio continues the following day - also about the same time Sagra del Cinghiale (boar festival).

16 August

Pennapiedimonte (CH): Feast of Santa Brigida.

16 August

Roccamontepiano (CH): Feast of San Rocco with Sagra della Porchetta e Cocomero (roasted young pork and watermelon).

17 August

Torrevecchia Teatina (CH): Feast of san Gabriele.

18 August

Carunchio (CH): Feast of patron Saints Vincenzo and Antonio, continues the following day.

19 August

Francavilla (CH): Fireworks on the sea.

20 August

San Giovanni Teatino (CH): Feast of san Gabriele and San Rocco, continues to August 21.

30 August

Lanciano (CH): The historical re-enactment of the Mastrogiurato.

31 August

Lanciano (CH): Fiera di Sant'Egidio (Sant'Egidio's Fair) with Market fair of toys.


No date fixed

Ari (CH): Porchetta (delicious roasted young pork) festival.

No date fixed

Civitella Messer Raimondo (CH): Feast of San Rocco, Sant'Antonio and Madonna dell'Addolorata.

No date fixed

Fossacesia (CH): "Sagra dell'Uva" (Grapes festival).

No date fixed

Giuliano Teatino (CH): "Sagra dell'Uva e del Vino" (grapes and wine festival).

No date fixed

Poggiofiorito (CH): "Sagra dell'Uva" (grapes festival).

04 September

Lanciano (CH): "Palio delle Contrade e Sfilata del Mastrogiurato", two of the greatest historical reenactments throughout Abruzzo.

05 September

Frisa (CH): Feast of madonna delle Grazie.

08 September

Lanciano (CH): "Il dono", procession of people in traditional rustic costumes bringing offerings to the Madonna del Ponte.

11 September

Castiglione Messer Marino (CH): feast of Madonna del Monte, with a pilgrimage to the sanctuary within the ancient "Lupara " forest.

12 September

Castiglione Messer Marino (CH): Folk procession of women carrying on their heads the traditional Abruzzese conca (copper pot) full of wheat and other gifts to the Virgin.

14 September

Lanciano (CH): Feast of Madonna del Ponte and horseraces, lasting throughout the 15 and 16th of September.

22 September

Schiavi d'Abruzzo (CH): Feast of San Maurizio.

26 September

Lentella (CH): Feast of Saints Cosma and Damiano, with a procession of girls in traditional costumes bearing Abruzzese "conche" (copper pots), continuing to the 28th of September.

27 September • Roccascalegna (CH): Feast of Saints Cosma and Damiano, with procession of "conche e conocchie" (Abruzzese copper pots and spindles) full of wheat.

28 September

Perano (CH): Feast of Madonna dell'Addolorata and San Rocco, continues the following days.

29 September

Liscia (CH): Feast of San Michele.


03 October

Casoli (CH): Feast of Santa Reparata.

04 October

Torrebruna (CH): Feast of San Rocco, continuing to the following day.

06 October

Bucchianico (CH): Feast of Sant'Aldemario.

15 October

Roccascalegna (CH): "Festa della Vendemmia", gastronomic festival and parade of traditional carts.


03 November

Palombaro (CH): Feast of Madonna della Libera.

04 November

Roccamontepiano (CH): Feast of San Carlo.

11 November

Fara San Martino (CH): Feast of St. Martino, with Sagra della Caldarrosta (roasted chestnut festival).

21 November

Filetto (CH): Feast of Madonna della Libera.


05 December

Pollutri (CH): "Sagra delle Fave" (spread beans festival) prepared according to traditional recipes.

06 December

Pollutri (CH): Feast of San Nicola from Bari.

07 December

Casoli (CH): Feast of Immacolata Concezione, with bonfires by night.

10 December

Torino di Sangro (CH): Night Wake to wait for the birth of the Madonna di Loreto; procession of torches through the night, and singing of "mattinate" (well-wishing songs).

23 December

Lanciano (CH): Procession called the "squilla": on the ringing of a bell from 18 to 19 hours, Christmas wishes are exchanged.

24 December

Tufillo (CH): Traditional burning of "farchie" in the main square.

25 December

Lanciano (CH): Exhibition of traditional cribs.

26 December

Lama dei Peligni (CH): Feast of Santa Barbara and "Ballo della Pupa", with Sagra della Bruschetta (slices of hand-made bread spiced with gartic, oil and salt) e Lenticchie (Lentils festival).

29 December

San Salvo (CH): Bonfires in honor of San Tommaso.

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